Auditory Retreat

Music is the shorthand of emotion - Leo Tolstoy

If there was one piece of gear that most backpackers can’t live without, many would probably say it would be a portable music device. Ipods, cellphones, tablets. Anything that contains music that can be listened to on the go. I personally find it my most essential piece of gear when I go on any of my trips. Music, in my opinion, can greatly enhance the experience by setting the appropriate mood through sound. The auditory complement to the visuals is like having a fine wine match with an exquisite piece of steak. Sometimes it can be used to accentuate the excitement for the day's daily activities. Other times it provides a personal momentary reprieve, especially during times of fatigue or frustration. It really is a piece of gear that can appropriately be deemed as “essential”. Unfortunately, sometimes the overuse of such devices can actually take you out of being in the moment. There have been instances where I would spend the majority of the day exploring a new city listening to music only to realise at the end of the night that I don’t remember much of what I did that day. Lost in a land of daydreaming. Therefore, whenever I was aware of myself doing this, I would take off my headphones and make a conscious effort in paying attention to all the subtleties around me. I would listen to the buzz of people in the markets. The roar of the motorcycles and automobiles during rush hour traffic. Sizzling of vegetables and assorted meats at the street carts. Conversations flowing in a foreign language. The sounds of the surrounding environment are unique everywhere you go. This momentary digital auditory retreat can be a chance for self-reflection; a moving meditation. Listen to the orchestra of sound that a city, village or town has to offer. This is music in itself.

Modicum Of Mystery

If you do not expect the unexpected, you will not find it, for it is not to be reached by search or trail. - Heraclitus

Lonely Planet guides, travel blogs, backpacker forums. Today, more than ever, we have access to a wealth of information about any subject imaginable with travel being no exception. The ability to research popular tourist sights, unique daily activities and lists of top things to eat is accessible to anyone with a computer and wifi. If one was so driven, every single nuance of a destination can be distilled down to the minute details. Fully detailed itineraries are not uncommon even in the backpacking community. In contrast, there are others that go to a location not knowing what to expect. I personally tend to favour the latter approach. The spontaneity of travel, to be captured in its flow, is the essence on what draws me to heading out into the unknown. There is magic in going out for an evening stroll only to be surprisingly enveloped by a vast bamboo garden or stumble upon a set of ruins away from the beaten path. Many may be familiar with this feeling when visiting friends or family in a place that is new to them. Almost all the sights and experiences will come as a welcome surprise. There are certainly understandable advantages of having an itinerary. Anyone on a shorter trip would want to maximize the amount of time by being more efficient about routes to get to certain places. Time efficiency could also mean properly packing the right gear needed for certain scenarios. Additionally, certain travellers just need a certain level of planning for a sense of comfort and security. All of these are notable reasons. In reality, there is usually not a rigid dichotomy between the two approaches as most individuals tailor their trip to a level of balance they see fit.  This is not meant to discount the purpose of having a plan, but rather to have a balance between both styles of thought. Therefore, the focus of this entry is the deliberate intention of leaving a modicum of mystery in your travels. Exploration carries with it the possibility of surprise, wonder, and awe. All these ingredients serve to accentuate the meaning of adventure.

The Backpacker's Path

Man cannot remake himself without suffering, for he is both the marble and the sculptor - Alexis Carrel

Two hours riding a motorcycle in a torrential downpour while not even at the halfway mark. Mountain biking 90km through the Cambodian countryside in mid-thirty degree heat. Fighting off a host of various ailments including infections, colds and food poisoning. The backpacking lifestyle is a far cry from the type of experience one would expect from an all-inclusive resort. It often means that you will be tested during the trip and will be placed in very uncomfortable situations. That’s just it really, it was just an uncomfortable feeling. It is inevitable in this form of travel. It’s just part of the process. Really ,without it, backpacking would not be the same. It’s not that I find pleasure in the masochistic aspects of this, but more that hardship will bring out certain traits of the trip that wouldn’t arise otherwise. It’s the hardships that truly shape the experience. Constant highs may seem like paradise, but it’s really when it’s contrasted with occasional lows that will make you really appreciate the moments. Like a pulse that has both high and low peaks, it’s a fitting metaphor for what travel life is all about. What truly living is all about. Travel can and should bring you out of your comfort zone. Let it. Experience it. Flow with the spontaneity and surprises that the drama of travel can bring you. Amidst all the trials and tribulations that you might come across on your journey, it might come as a surprise the amount obstacles you’ve overcome along the way. May knowing that bring you the confidence to continue on without hesitation and fear. Adventure awaits.