
“To live a life of reckless abandon.”Elisabeth Elliot

There have been moments throughout history where an individual has brought forth an idea so revolutionary that it will undoubtedly cause a paradigm shift in the minds of society. Copernicus, Pythagoras, Galileo. Names that dared to blaze a trail to challenge the status quo of their era, regardless of any repercussions it may be associated with. Among this prestigious list is the scientist Charles Darwin, who famously penned the Theory of Evolution after he visited the islands of the Galapagos. A place where I was fortunate enough to explore. I can see how Darwin would have been fascinated by the vast array of flora and fauna that the islands have on full display. Seeing these things through his scientific lens must have elevated his scientific research onto a whole different level. There is just a quality so ethereal, even magical, about the islands that I believe served as a catalyst for him to develop a world changing concept. Although a birthplace of an idea naturally comes from within, a spark must inevitably serve as a catalyst to initiate the creative process. Originating from a small mental seed in his mind’s eye that would slowly be transcribed onto pen and paper. The continuous observation and analysis of the data he collected to further provide support, which would eventually lead to the formation of his theory. It all started with the aura that the islands exude. I can attest to that feeling. I too felt energized just being surrounded by such an environment. A spark of inspiration flowed through me evidenced by the amount of writing that I was able to do throughout my stay. Prior to my visit, my writing has been on an indefinite hiatus. The root cause is still unknown to me why I no longer worked on my craft. Lack of inspiration. Difficulty allocating time. Regardless of the many reasons I justified as I look onto the blank pages of my journal, they would all come to be excuses. As time progressed, it would prove to be harder for me to get out of this mental bog. I was looking for a spark to lift me out of this mental miasma. The islands provided that. Sunrise writing sessions seemed effortless as thoughts and ideas flowed freely from pen to pad. A reinvigoration of the soul. That’s the power of placing oneself into an environment that fosters the type of energy that one seeks. A creative surge was the outcome of my experience, but anyone reading this can find the spark that they too are looking for. Although I journeyed to a location that was far from home, one doesn’t need to go to such distances to experience the same thing. Taking the time to listen to your inner thoughts and following the guiding light of where to go next is what’s most important. It’s far too easy in today’s society to have that voice drowned out by all the noise and chaos of the everyday. Don’t let it. The world needs more people that are inspired more than ever. The possibility of their life’s work to provide a positive impact for generations to come. My writing is of far less magnitude than the Theory of Evolution, but I believe it might provide that spark for someone to pursue their dreams; to live a life of reckless abandon. Whenever the call for adventure beckons to our soul, it is up to us to answer the call just like Darwin did all those years ago.


“This is the real secret of life -- to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.” - Alan Watts

What does it mean to play? It’s not a question that comes up often in our day to day life. A distant concept that many of us have forgotten as we move further into adulthood. Yet, it is something in need of reflection more and more in this modern world that we all live in. The daily minutiae can easily envelope one’s psyche and put us in perpetual auto-pilot. A system insidiously designed to ensnare us into a life of habit and protocol leaving our souls devoid of meaning and passion if we let it. However, we are not cogs in a machine; rats in a race. We are beings that have in us an innate desire to vigorously pursue personal challenges under the guise of play. Allow it to come to the surface and embrace it once again just as you once did during childhood. Don’t allow the internal critic to suggest that play is trivial. What might seem to be unimportant on the surface might have deep intrinsic meaning for that individual. Even if there isn’t a deeper purpose, the act of play is analogous to the objective of dancing. The philosopher Alan Watts said that the goal of a dance isn’t to reach a set destination. The enjoyment is in the movement and all the nuances that accompany it. A fitting metaphor on how to approach life itself. Therefore, go and venture out of your comfort zone and explore vast mountain ranges with childlike curiosity. Meander through valleys at your heart’s content. Blaze a trail if there isn’t a path already set before you. Dance under the sea of stars with reckless abandon. You will eventually meet other individuals along the way on a similar path. Welcome them in and share that journey together, embracing all the ups and downs inevitable with any great adventure. Enjoy the time you have with one another, share stories, engage in conversation, and listen to the laughter echo through the air. While this experience can oftentimes be ephemeral in nature, it will quickly become a memory that you will cherish and look back on fondly. All of this is to ultimately be part of the human experience. To play is to be human.

Course Well Trodden

The pleasure we derive from journeys is perhaps dependent more on the mindset with which we travel than on the destination we travel to. - Alain de Botton

In a very general sense, there are two types of travellers. Ones that blaze their own path and ones that follow the trail set by others. The focus of this entry will be on the latter. Suggestions, solicited or otherwise, inevitably come your way once you announce a trip. “You must go here!” “This is definitely a must see.” “Make sure you eat this while you’re there.” This can come from family and friends that have visited these places before and are wanting to impart their knowledge and wisdom unto you. It can also come from doing your own research, whether it be online material on travel blogs or forums and any of the countless travel books available. Regardless of what medium or source this material came from, it all originally came from a genuine human experience. It came from the heart. In the end, it is only natural for an individual to not completely agree with all the things suggested by another. A friend may have recommended a “nice hike up a mountain” while, in reality, it was actually a couple loose rocks away from certain death. A blogger that suggested that this hostel will have all the makings of complete paradise will seem banal and unoriginal after even just spending one day at the place. Travel guides nominating a certain activity as “the most authentic aspect of this country” may seem overly commercialized. Everyone has their own preferences coupled with different definitions of what adventure means to them. Now for a thought experiment that I have come to occasionally ponder about. While taking a moment to reflect and approach this concept from a different perspective, sometimes you can see the subtle nuances hidden in between the lines. An insight of what they went out in search for and what they were intrinsically seeking. You see into the priorities they had; what they wanted their focus to be. You can catch a glimpse of the lens they were seeing the world through at that point in time. Their recommendations were more than just words of cordial conversation. It was a personal narrative for their recipe to happiness. The ingredients needed will unfold as you travel. It is up to you to make it your own. Maybe one day you can pass along that recipe to someone else looking for their own slice of happiness.