Investment in travel is an investment in yourself. - Matthew Karsten
If there is one common thread that is written about almost as much as the act of travelling is the excuses that people make that state the reasons why it’s an impossible dream. Consequently, another popular blog topic is the counter argument that it can be attainable to just about everybody. That travel can take form in a variety of different experiences tailored to the individual. Hundreds of articles are written detailing various methods to achieve this goal and can range from simple to the widely complex known to only an esoteric community. Regardless of the approach, execution will not occur without having the discipline and motivation to make it come true. Therefore, the biggest hurdle is much more of a mental barrier than it is a physical or logistical obstacle. Essentially, in order to succeed, it has to be made into a priority. Simple in description, but rather difficult in execution. But is that all that is needed in order to achieve the goal? What does it truly mean to make something a priority? In the strictest sense, it is a thing that takes precedence over everything else. The reality, though, is that there are numerous things in a person’s life that can be defined as a priority. Family, careers, hobbies, financial obligations. Pretty soon a priority will very quickly turn into priorities. The problem is that there is only a finite amount of energy to channel into any one of these avenues. Stretched too far and things will start to suffer. Therefore, having made something a priority is not enough to complete a goal. It can only be truly achieved if it is coupled with sacrifice. There will come an inflection point where the deciding factor of success will be the elimination of the unnecessary. Sacrifice, after all, is the surrender of something of lesser value for an alternative of greater significance. Where does travel fall in your list of priorities and what are you willing to let go to live that dream?